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Showing posts from July, 2020

What I Wish I'd Know About Hospital Bags

IN SHORT: When my water broke at 2:30 AM at 37 weeks 6 days, I knew that my hospital bag was packed, and my husband's was not. Because I was having a C-Section during COVID-19 restrictions, there would be no leaving the room for either of us once we got in, so we needed to be sure we had EVERYTHING. I carefully researching, asking friends and reading blog after blog and felt I had my bag perfectly prepped. By night 2 in the hospital, I had made a flurry of Amazon purchases and wished I had so many things in my bag that were missing. I hope I can help you avoid that! I've got suggestions about stuff for you and baby and don't forget your car seat manual!  What Was Missing I assumed the hospital would provide a few things that they didn't or that their options would be better than they were. Swaddle : What I wouldn't have given for a zip or velcro swaddle. The nurses deftly wrapped baby up like a burrito, he happily drifted off to sleep, and a few minutes later he wo

What I Wish I'd Known About C-Sections

TL/DR: For me, the pain was super manageable and recovery was pretty easy. I was much more mobile than I thought so the things I was worried about for early days of baby care were non issues. I do suggest getting what help you can, avoiding squishy surfaces (as well as stairs and driving), and getting some comfy, non-incision bothering clothing-- see links for planned or emergency Amazon purchases :) Let me start with everyone's experience is different and valid. My experience with a C-section was pretty great. It was a last resort due to medical allergy, but was planned. If it is something you're thinking about (and know that you have the right to request a C-section if you want one-- if traditional labor isn't for you, you can go this route) or must do, it's not as scary as some make it out to be. For me, what was scary, and what I couldn't find information about, was how to care for my baby after  the C-section. How much pain would I be in? How would I be able to