IN SHORT: When my water broke at 2:30 AM at 37 weeks 6 days, I knew that my hospital bag was packed, and my husband's was not. Because I was having a C-Section during COVID-19 restrictions, there would be no leaving the room for either of us once we got in, so we needed to be sure we had EVERYTHING. I carefully researching, asking friends and reading blog after blog and felt I had my bag perfectly prepped. By night 2 in the hospital, I had made a flurry of Amazon purchases and wished I had so many things in my bag that were missing. I hope I can help you avoid that! I've got suggestions about stuff for you and baby and don't forget your car seat manual! What Was Missing I assumed the hospital would provide a few things that they didn't or that their options would be better than they were. Swaddle : What I wouldn't have given for a zip or velcro swaddle. The nurses deftly wrapped baby up like a burrito, he happily drifted off to sleep, and a few minutes later he wo...